A Month With Mom and Dad
9 months into this adventure, I'm living in Delhi with my grandma and my parents. It's not as easy as I thought it would be, but it's something I'm learning to appreciate.
Excited to Wake Up
I’ve spent the last week participating in a marine conservation internship. Every day I wake up genuinely excited to make a difference. It’s crazy how quickly perspective changes.
Moments of Clarity
I’m learning choosing a direction doesn’t lock you into a path. My recent experiences of choosing a random goal inspired more paths.
Aman’s Lost Days
6 months into my trip, I haven’t had the epiphany I’m waiting for. I’m tired, confused, and having trouble figuring out my next step.
Japan Solo
Traveling Japan alone was not as welcoming as I thought it would be. The list of highlights is small but significant.
Japanese Food
Japan was a fun culinary destination. I pushed my comfort zone and learned how to deal with scary food from my semi-supportive friends.
Group Travel
Traveling with a group is a huge wake-up call for me. There are a few things that I’m not used to and a few things I could be doing better.
Best Day Ever
As I await my Seattle friends, I go to a distillery in Japan and explore the food/culture alone.
Goa Reunion
My recent travel friends’ excitement about reuniting in Goa makes me appreciate the company of the people around me.
Indian Rail
The epic journey I took to get from Munroe Island to Kundapura is an experience I’ll always remember.
How Will I Be Remembered?
The past month has me thinking a lot about the impact I have on the people around me and the people I miss most in my life.
Yin and Yang
I met two girls in Munroe Island seem to encompass everything I know about a successful solo trip. They inspire me to be more like them.
Anxiety Come Alive
Group dinners are difficult and this dinner gave me every reason to ensure checks are split up before the meal begins.
Travel Buds
Making good friends while traveling can be hard, so I appreciate the group of co-dependent friends I’ve made so far.
Extended Family
I feel extra connected to my family, and it just dawned on me that this is unique given the circumstances that we grew up in
Tough Times
An unexpected turn of events brings me back to Delhi and has me thankful that I can be with my family