What’s life without travel?

Hey! I’m Aman Aggarwal, a solo traveler documenting my experiences as I sell my stuff, set up a home base in India, and explore destinations unknown.

My adventure started when I studied abroad in Barcelona. The unexpected experiences inspired more travel. The summer after I graduated college, I decided to challenge myself to accept not having a plan and traveling without companions. That trip took me around Europe and allowed me to meet some amazing people who would change the way I looked at travel.

I experienced personal, professional, and social growth in the following years. I found community and acceptance in places I didn’t think I belonged and found the encouragement to take a step to figure out what it is about travel that makes me happy. I hope to find jobs worldwide that might interest me and new experiences that help me grow. In Thailand in 2022, someone shared that people were jealous of their life experience. “They say you’re lucky, but fuck luck - have the courage to take a risk and make your life your own.”

This blog hopes to keep my family and friends updated as I find meaning as I travel the world.